Pak Hock Pai Athletic Association v Yiu Pek Heng [1973] SGCA 8
Malayan Plant (Pte) Ltd v Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd [1978] SGCA 11
The “San 003” [1979-1980] SLR(R) 8
Re Estate of Lee Wee Name, deceased [1981] SGCA 9
Chan Kai Kah and another v Tan King Koh [1982] SGCA 19
Tan Keng Koh v Chan Kai Kah and another [1981-1982] 3 SLR(R) 73
Yusuf Jumabhoy v Law Society of Singapore [19888] 1 SLR(R) 63
International Bank of Singapore Ltd v Bader Peter Heiner Franz [1988] 2 SLR(R) 242
Re Abdul Rahim Rajudin [1988] 2 SLR(R) 359
Abdul Rahim Rajudin v Law Society of Singapore [1991] 1 SLR(R) 149
Syed Yacob Alkaff v Syed Alwee Alkaff and others [1990] 2 SLR(R) 482
Syed Yacob Alkaff v Syed Alwee Alkaff and others [1992] SGCA 73
Lee Hiok Ping also known as Mitr Dephanphongs and others v Lee Hiok Woon and Lee
Hiok Tng [1992] SGHC 11
Yong Tai Loong (Pte) Ltd v Tong Tien See Construction Company (sued as a firm) [1992] SGHC 8
Lee Hiok Woon and others v Lee Hiok Ping and others [1996] SGPC 1
Re Han Ngiap Juan [1993] 1 SLR(R) 135
Chia Kum Fatt Rolfston v Lim Lay Choo [1993] 2 SLR(R) 793
Public Prosecutor v Koo Pui Fong [1996] 1 SLR(R) 734
Cheng Kwee Siong v Cheng Kwee and another [1997] SGCA 1
TPY v DZI [1997] 1 SLR(R) 843
Public Prosecutor v Chen Chih Sheng and another appeal [1999] 1 SLR(R) 182
Tong Tien See Construction Pte Ltd (in liquidation) v Tong Tien See and others [2001] 3 SLR(R) 887
Merriwa Pty Ltd v Romar Positioning Equipment Pte Ltd [2004] SGHC 8
Romar Positioning Equipment Pte Ltd v Merriwa Nominees Pty Ltd [2004] SGCA 44
Stuttgart Auto Pte Ltd v Ng Shwu Yong [2005] 1 SLR(R) 92
Yeoh Peng Lim v Yeo Peng Hay and another [2005] SGHC 145
Chong Chee Keong v Official Assignee [2005] 3 SLR(R) 546
Leivest International Pte Ltd v Top Ten Entertainment Pte Ltd [2006] 1 SLR(R) 888
Fletcher v St George Bank [2011] WASC 277
Lian Hwee Choo Phebe v Tan Seng Ong - [2012] SGHC 255
Tan Huat Soon v Lee Mee Leng - [2012] 2 SLR 282
Lee Mee Leng v Tan Huat Soon [2013] SGDC 111
Ngui Gek Lian Philomene and others v Chan Kiat and others (HSR International Realtors Pte Ltd, intervener) - [2013] 4 SLR 694
Public Prosecutor v Teo Chu Ha @ Henry Teo [2013] SGDC 61
Teo Chu Ha v Public Prosecutor [2013] SGHC 17
Public Prosecutor v Teo Chu Ha [2014] SGCA 45
Tommy Choo, Mark Go & Partners v Kuntjoro Wibawa [2014] 3 SLR 225
Persian Garden Restaurant Pte Ltd v Bafna Rajesh Jograj - [2014] SGDC 313
Persian Garden Restaurant Pte Ltd v Bafna Rajesh Jograj - [2015] SGDC 219
Public Prosecutor v Mohamed Elfee Bin Mohamed Yusof - [2015] SGDC 150
Tommy Choo, Mark Go & Partners v Kuntjoro Wibawa and other matters [2015] SGHC 239
TOV v TOW [2016] SGFC 62
K Saravanan Kuppusamy v Public Prosecutor - [2016] 5 SLR 88
Public Prosecutor v K Saravanan Kuppusamy - [2016] SGDC 87
TOV v TOW [2017] SGFC 115
TYC Investment Pte Ltd v Chan Siew Lee [2017] SGHC 202
Legis Point LLC v Tay Choon Ai [2017] SGHC 325
Public Prosecutor v Yap Poh Kwee - [2018] SGDC 153
El Khouri v Attorney-General [2018] FCA 1488
Public Prosecutor v Amiira bte Samsuri - [2018] SGDC 69
Legis Point LLC v Tay Choon Ai - [2018] 3 SLR 1269
TYC Investment Pte Ltd v Chan Siew Lee Jannie and another - [2018] 4 SLR 293
ARM Mining v SKR New Investment [2019] WAWC 2
Ranjit Singh Gill Menjeet Singh v Public Prosecutor - [2019] SGHC 75
Public Prosecutor v Lim Chit Foo - [2019] SGDC 48
Public Prosecutor v Yuvaraja s/o Devakumar - [2020] SGDC 121
Pannir Selvam a/l Pranthaman v Attorney-General - [2020] SGHC 80
Mohammad Farid bin Batra v Public Prosecutor and another appeal and other matters - [2020] 1 SLR 907
Lim Chit Foo v Public Prosecutor - [2020] 1 SLR 64
Pannir Selvam a/l Pranthaman v Attorney-General - [2020] 3 SLR 796
Mohammad Farid bin Batra v Public Prosecutor and another appeal and other matters - [2020] 1 SLR 907
Please note:
The list is for illustrative purposes only and is in no way conclusive/determinative of all the work undertaken by the advocates & solicitors at BMS LAW LLC Singapore, barristers & solicitors at BMS LAW Australia.
The list is not to be used for any other purpose unless with prior consent.

Our Work
Cases reported in various law reports, majority heard in Supreme Courts in Singapore and Australia combined.
Unreported cases, inclusive of interim applications, combining our work in Australia and Singapore.
Clients we have had over the many years of legal practise, combining our clients in Singapore, Australia, Malaysia.