If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident in Perth, you would have most likely thought about compensation. It is common that most individuals will ask the question: who will compensate me for damage to my motor vehicle? Although a simple question to ask, it is almost always a very difficult question to answer and will depend on various factors.
“Compensation” is a frequently used word in the motor vehicle accident context. It is ordinarily defined as something given in recognition of a loss.
Note: Generally in relation to claims for compensation by one driver involved in a motor vehicle accident from another driver, compensation is paid normally by way of a one-off payment of a sum of money.
Important considerations
Questions you should answer before considering any claim for compensation against another driver involved in a motor vehicle accident and/or collision in Perth:
Do I have a comprehensive private insurance policy for my motor vehicle?
Does my insurance policy adequately compensate me for damage to my motor vehicle?
Are all the other drivers involved in the motor vehicle accident and/or collision covered by an insurance policy of their own?
Categories of compensation
A claim for compensation in the motor vehicle accident context can be categorised into the following:
Compensation for damage to your motor vehicle
Compensation for repairs to your motor vehicle
Compensation for other expenses incurred as a result of the motor vehicle accident
Compensation for harm suffered to you or your passenger(s) as a result of the motor vehicle accident
Compensation for not being able to go to work as a result of the motor vehicle accident
If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident and/or collision in Perth and require legal advice in relation to a claim for compensation or defending against a claim, please get in contact with us on (08) 6389 0270 or email Mr. Jay Mohan Singh at jay@bmslaw.com.au